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Trolling Motors for NFO Rampage
I agree the THRUST is not an issue, to me it is the SHAFT that is. I know Cpierce owns a Renegade also, but not sure how that 24 works as far as adjusting.
On the Renegade and the Assault XX (which are the same) that motor mount is a ways back there. Even more so on the Rampage.

Reaching the controls isn't really a problem either, what is a problem is the squeeze lever to tilt the motor.
Not an issue if you set up and take off with the motor in the water, but from years of pontooning I for some reason prefer to come in to shore backwards.
It puts the motor on dry land first, making access to the motor and battery much easier, plus the boat can't float away while hauling one or the other up to the truck.

We still have the short shaft 30 and we tried it on the Assault but that prop is very close to the toon.

Keep in mind, we turn the head of the motors so that the prop is facing the same direction as the head in order to PULL not push.

Although the Minn Kota 30 has been modified with the head removed, the shaft is untouched in this picture. It gives you an idea of how 6 more inches can make a difference.

[Image: IMG_3255.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Trolling Motors for NFO Rampage - by BDawg - 10-29-2011, 10:41 PM
Re: [cpierce] Trolling Motors for NFO Rampage - by flygoddess - 10-31-2011, 12:28 PM

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