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new to this forum flote tubing central ohio
Seems like most of the posters are from UT, but there are a lot of lurkers from other places around because of all the hard to find expert info on tubes/toons. Some as far away as Ireland used to post. When there isn't much going on on the TX tube forum, I sometimes post fishing info to kayak forums. Tubes/toons are not discovered/recognized as superior fishing machines here.

I spent some school time in Middletown/Oxford South Ohio area many years ago and carried my toon in as airline baggage. Got lots of curious questions from fishermen at Rush Run, Hueston, Miami, etc., where they hadn't seen such craft.


[quote kokomoslow]Thanks for the welcome. yes I have had some very good input. It seems as if most of the people are from west of the rockies is this true???[/quote]

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Re: [kokomoslow] new to this forum flote tubing central ohio - by pontoonman - 12-03-2011, 05:35 AM

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