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Wipers are active at Willard ( report )
Sure not like the action of yesteryear but we did manage 4 wipers, a 20, a 19, a 17 and a 15 incher. Most were caught on either a modified Producer or a lure that is about the same size but darker. Wiperslayer and I fish in his 12 foot boat and launched from that new road they cut down to the water in the S/W corner. We saw a little surface activity but no boils. The first wiper was caught half way between the west dike and the island, it was the 20 incher and when it hit I thought it was going to spool me. I already had most my line out and this fish took another 20 foot before I could slow it down, man it was great getting into a good wiper again[cool]. We trolled around the same area for awhile and then headed to the light pole. As we made a turn to start back I caught my second wiper, not as good of a fight but it still made a great run. Wiperslayer caught one on the next pass of the same area and we had a couple more get off after they hit. We trolled back toward the S/W corner and the slayer got the last wiper of the day. We started fishing around 3:30pm and got off the water at sunset. Most of the afternoon the water was glassy calm and a great time to be on the Bay, thanks Wiperslayer. The water level has stopped dropping and we thought it might have come up a little but not more than 6 inches. When we got there a couple of guys were getting their boat off the water and said they had caught a few small ones, another guy was casting from shore that claimed to have caught over 30, 6 to 8 inch wipers casting a spinner. We were the only ones on the water until an hour or so before dark when a bigger boat showed up. I'll have to go to the north marina this week and see if I can launch my big boat. I called the north marina three times last week but they would not answer the phone, hopefully they will answer their door when I go a knocking, I've got to get a straight answer to the dredging question. Because we had to carry everything up over the dike, we tried to downsize and I thought I had left my camera in the truck and after releasing those big wipers I found it, I got a couple of pictures but none of the fish, I'll post the pictures later. WH2

Messages In This Thread
Wipers are active at Willard ( report ) - by wiperhunter2 - 09-29-2003, 05:29 AM
Re: [wiperhunter2] Wipers are active at Willard ( report ) - by PescadorUtah - 09-29-2003, 09:19 PM

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