12-21-2011, 02:27 AM
That is a good debate. I go with finder on ice tho. I think that target separation is better with a flasher (only by a little bit, and you can usually compensate and do fine). Also, I love having the history that a finder provides. I set mine so the screen moves like a 5 out of 10 speed and it is great. If a fish moves thru quickly, then you can still tell the depth and set your lure right in the sweet spot. With the RTS (real time sonar) feature on many finders...you can see your jigs and put them right in mr. fishies face. The last benefit that I see...$$$. It is awesome to have one good unit for both the boat and ice with a quick conversion. I use a pvc mount on the back of my little boat with some sturdy broom holders/clamps to hold it on my boat. In the winter, simply add the "T" to the top of the PVC and you are ice'n.