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Tibblefork Reservoir
[quote sinergy]
The post by Xstream proves me wrong looks like the boy caught a 11lb'er Kudos I still don't believe it just because it was on rough'n it outdoors doesn't mean squat the media is always looking overstate stories or it wouldn't be news worthy, put it on a register scale then I believe ya. but till then its fishers scale...IMHO


So you admit you are wrong and then in the same sentence claim your not? So does this count as Denial or just Confusion? Come on just saw a picture from a somewhat reliable source (granted I do not believe everything the news tells me either, however I'll take a rough'n it outdoors picture proof over some bank tangler story any day).

Guess no big fish exsist at Tibble unless they are in your hands sinergy. Flygoddess asked a legit question...she got an answer. Time to face facts here....there are a FEW big fish in that 17 acre reservoir sinergy. What more do you need to be convinced?

Messages In This Thread
Tibblefork Reservoir - by starkinkade2 - 12-24-2011, 05:03 AM
Re: [Tincanfsh] Tibblefork Reservoir - by sinergy - 12-25-2011, 06:28 PM
Re: [sinergy] Tibblefork Reservoir - by Tincanfsh - 12-25-2011, 10:59 PM
Re: [Tincanfsh] Tibblefork Reservoir - by sinergy - 12-27-2011, 05:09 PM
Re: [sinergy] Tibblefork Reservoir - by EvilTyeDyeTwin - 12-27-2011, 06:19 PM

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