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Great Tarpon Action Continues
Great tarpon fishing continued this evening. On our first drift, we caught and released a 60# fish. Until it got dark, we were plagued with lizard fish due to very light winds and a slow drift. Our third drift produced another 60# fish. From that point on it required a lot of hunting and searching. At the Inlet, we caught 2 out of 3 fish, including a 70 pounder, at the top of the incoming and first of the outgoing tide. Back down the beach and we hooked up, however, the hook pulled after about 2 minutes. Live shrimp produced all of our fish. 4 for 6 was our total for the evening. To really enjoy the thrills of tarpon fishing, for now, keep your tackle in the 8, 12, and 20 pound class and remember to use circle hooks. Eagle Claw L2004EL 7/0 or L197 5/0 will do the trick. If you want to learn how it's done, or enjoy an evening of fishing, I have some openings, so call (305 620-5896) or email ( to book a trip.<br> <br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br><br><br><br>

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Great Tarpon Action Continues - by KnotNancy - 01-12-2002, 09:37 PM

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