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My First Jordan River Fish on the Fly
Yep, definately a fish I'll remember. Especially given the fact that I've been getting nothing but skunked on the JR since I started fly fishing it! This fish was a heck of a surprise and a good one at that.

He took a tiny hares ear I was bouncing on the bottom. Hooked him square inside the top part of his rubbery suction cup lip thing (not a fun place to reach in and retreive the fly from)

I wonder if that was just a fluke though - right place at the right time - because I always thought suckers just kinda sucked at the rocks/mud/vegetation indiscriminately or by smell, rather than targeting individual bugs etc by sight like a predatory fish would...

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Re: [TroutBumDave] My First Jordan River Fish on the Fly - by Kim-n-Kota - 01-25-2012, 07:44 PM

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