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Ice fishing Dilema
[#000080][size 2]Ice fishing pressure does not mean people are catching fish. The more people on the ice tend to make the fish harder to catch. Not all parts of the lake get fished with the same intensity, example- at Strawberry the places we see with a ton of people represent only ten percent of the lake. And, if you are watching what the people are doing the majority of the people are goofing off playing, eating, or napping. So, numbers wise fish aren't being caught. Also, we only see high number of people on saturdays and holidays. Scofield is the same way. You may see a thousand people along the eastside of the lake, yet the rest is uncovered.[/size][/#000080]

[#000080][size 2] The ice fishing "take" is not equal to open water season. Transition periods can leave the waters almost unfishable for a unspecfic periods of time. 70% of all anglers put away their fishing gear before Halloween(thank you, more catching for me). And alot of fisherfolks don't breakout their gear until after mothers day. So, back to Strawberry and Scofield-fishing dies out from nov 1st to may 15th. This is almost 6 months of slow or inactivety. Compare this to the other six months, its not very close. One week of open water can(depending on weather conditions)be equal to a month or more(weather again, people hate cold under 32 degrees) of ice fishing season.[/size][/#000080]

[#000080][size 2]It would be nice if we could actually take some fish home again in the winter.[/size][/#000080]

Messages In This Thread
Ice fishing Dilema - by tomegun - 10-05-2003, 08:07 PM
Re: [tomegun] Ice fishing Dilema - by polokid - 10-06-2003, 05:55 PM
Re: [tomegun] Ice fishing Dilema - by icefool - 10-07-2003, 01:14 PM
Re: [icefool] Ice fishing Dilema - by hedgesd - 10-08-2003, 05:03 AM
Re: [hedgesd] Ice fishing Dilema - by frogfish - 10-08-2003, 02:18 PM
Re: [frogfish] Ice fishing Dilema - by icefool - 10-08-2003, 03:20 PM

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