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Changing Lure's hook??
Hi,<br>I need some advise on changing of Lure's hook. Does changing the original hooks' on the Lures to a heavier/bigger hook affect the performance of the lure???<br><br>Reason is that using the original treble hook on Rapalas ( Magnum CD 18 ) is not strong enough when it comes to fighting the GTs. The original treble hook tends to give way when a big GT is encountered. So I was thinking of changing the treble hook to an Owner 4X 5/0 treble. Does it affect the performance of the lure???<br><br>Would appreciate any advise given!!<br><br>Thks,<br>Pete.<br><br>

Messages In This Thread
Changing Lure's hook?? - by petesaw - 01-16-2002, 02:53 PM
Re: Changing Lure's hook?? - by ACE_CARTER - 01-18-2002, 12:08 PM

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