03-02-2012, 10:22 PM
Quote:CoyoteSpinner … "I wish I had one but I think it would be silly to have electronics that are worth more than my whole boat! Haha.” Yea, I know what you mean but I know a guy that has actually done that. Just ask N.E.T.O.. All of a sudden, his little tub is priceless!
That's the wrong way to think. All the boat has to do is float and get you from point a to point b. A 60,000 dollar ranger boat isnt any better than a 1980 star craft if the ranger isn't outfitted right. Thats why I can't understand the appeal of bass boats, a casting deck with a big motor. Any way, if you can only afford say 5000 for your rig, you would be waaaayyyyy better off (fishing wise) to buy a $2000 boat and outfit it with $3000 worth of electronics and accessories then spending $5000 on a boat that realistically just floats. If I ever have to downgrade I would still be ok because I can make a cheap boat fish just as well as an expensive one, may not be as fast or flashy but as long as it's outfitted right it will fish the same.