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animals preparing for winter
hey john didn,t mean to git snippy with that last paragraph i just did, it isn,t you, it,s the situation, haha ya know what i mean?? it gits me hot cause i have an insane reputiation from past to stick up fer my animals haha. its because my animals have always seemed to have to pay the price fer peoples attiudes, fears jealousies controls and just plain spites, towards me and them. and i,m tired of my animals havin to pay the price. that means wild and domesticated. can ya understand what i mean?? as i said before, i do believe they do do what comes easy, and use what they take as fer as gittin ready fer winter, but they use whatever they take at least,more than some humans i,ve seen, but what i didn,t say is i don,t believe it has to do with a hard winter or not. to me it don,t seem it. it boils down to the fact that their there, easy, and accesible. to me scientists have no clue in what is as fer as animals.and the atmosphere, and even if they did know, could we rely on them to tell us anyways and be truthful about anythin?? would we relly want them too?? yessa i don,t want ot go there either! god hep us. it,s almost like the alien thing, haha do we realy want to know?? haha maybe i ought towrite a book on these questions?? haha gittin casited i guess haha. but anyways, i,ve seen times when animals have more common sence than they do.or just humans, haha maybe as fer as wweather but i don,t see where they got that right lately either. hahaha i,ll leave it to harvey the rabbit to tell me haha.later

Messages In This Thread
animals preparing for winter - by johnincolorado - 09-18-2003, 01:08 PM
Re: [johnincolorado] animals preparing for winter - by fishfather - 09-18-2003, 11:09 PM
Re: [johnincolorado] animals preparing for winter - by lou - 10-14-2003, 04:06 PM

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