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utah lake carp bounty
[quote kentofnsl][quote Stumped][quote fuzzyfisher]or maybe just let the guy that allready has the contract do his job and make a liveing at it!! [crazy][/quote]


If I have to pay to remove these then I deserve a vote in the process. I choose to pay the people paying for the program instead of enriching your friend. I'm sorry you hate democracy.[/quote]

Don't you think the Loys (the family with the contract to remove the carp) are also tax payers? The contract is awarded by competitive bidding -- isn't that the democratic way? It is my understanding that at least one other company was awarded a contract to remove carp and completely dropped the ball.

Good luck on getting a vote on carp removal on the next election ballot.[/quote]

Back up a few posts... you missed the point. Some yahoo was ranting about protecting a single family subsidized niche by refusing to look into alternative options because it may infringe on his buddy's monopoly.

Nothing against the Loy's (even though the subsidies were heavily pushed for AFTER they lost their markets), but we don't have to just shut up and accept the contract while sticking our heads into the sand when it comes to potentially better alternatives. The point being made was to just shut up and pay them and not complain about it or seek out better options. Next thing you know this guy will be arguing for too low of a carp population and how it's hurting Utah's economy because the Loy's did their job and now don't have product.

I really don't know why such simple things have to be explained so patiently.

Messages In This Thread
utah lake carp bounty - by duckdog1us - 04-13-2012, 01:03 AM
Re: [kentofnsl] utah lake carp bounty - by Stumped - 04-13-2012, 04:34 PM
RE: utah lake carp bounty - by Outfishing13 - 08-06-2024, 11:51 PM

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