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Best bets in the Eureka area
Humboldt Bay has a seasonal fishery of salmon and halibut and there are rockfish year round as well as sharks and rays.<br>The weather here is the migigating factor, it just flat get's too nasty to fish here at times during the winter.<br>We get surf to 30 feet here on occasion and cold rain and wind as an extra.<br>When you can get out off of Trinidad head the fishing can be awesom, pacific halibut, salmon (during the season) rock fish and lings. I might add this is a great place for plastics and small boats (again during good weather!) all up and down the coast.<br>Launch facilites are slim there are severial public ramps in Eureka, then 20 miles north ($20.00) to launch with a private gurney in Trinidad and then I think the next place a guy might launch woul be in the Kalamath or Crescent City.<br>Sure is a lot different fishing than what I grew up with in San Diego.<br><br>Just seems a shame to troll for salmon with a Calstar T-90 jig stick. lol <br>And rockfish and lings will eat the iron that I used to use for yellows so it's not a total loss.<br><br><br>

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