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plant tiger trout in the berry
Here's part of a write up the DWR posted concerning rainbow trout, and the threat of whirling disease at Strawberry. plus, the current strain of rainbow trout that are being stocked, and why. the link is below if you are interested in reading the entire article. this may help to answer at least part of the reason why Kamloops rainbows arent currently part of the management plan at Strawberry, or in utah as a whole.

i agree with you 100%, about the fact that unless properly managed it doesn't make a d*** bit of difference what strain of rainbow is used, if they are being taken as 12-14" planters. that's exactly the point i'm trying to make, and meant to answer my own questions as part of the post.

as a last side note. i've noticed catching many more rainbows in the berry the last couple of years(including the big dude in the pic we took through the ice this January).I 've heard that predation was a big problem in the past while stocking the 3" fingerlings. now that they are back to planting 8" bows, maybe we're starting to see positive results?? i dont know for sure, it's just an observation.

"Most of the rainbow and cutthroat trout currently stocked into Strawberry are a minimum of 8 inches long. "WD should not affect these fish," he says.
Most of the rainbows currently stocked into Strawberry are a WD-resistant strain known as the Harrison-Hofer strain. Because of the recent WD find, Wilson says the DWR will expand the use of this strain at Strawberry in the future. "Harrison-Hofer rainbows have been shown to develop much lower infection levels than other rainbow strains," Wilson says.

Messages In This Thread
plant tiger trout in the berry - by duckdog1us - 05-01-2012, 06:57 PM
Re: [PBH] plant tiger trout in the berry - by Tangled_not - 05-04-2012, 05:05 PM
Re: [PBH] plant tiger trout in the berry - by PBH - 05-09-2012, 03:31 AM

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