05-11-2012, 04:15 PM
Are these the same biologist who put an 8 fish no slot limit at Scofield, took several years too long to remove that limit and add a slot and almost killed off one of the best rainbow spots in the state?!
I wouldn't call educated, experienced fishermen discussing hand-on observations and knowledge to be "arm-chair bioligist". I was calling for a slot and removal of the 8 fish limit at Scofield years before it was done.
I will also be the first to admit that I am not a biologist for UWR and I don't know the ins and outs of adding species, budgets, survival rates, etc. That is why we discuss ideas and don't take matters int our own hands.
I also agree Strawberry is amazing right now. But what if it could be even better? I know; mind-blowing.
If Tigers and/or sterile brookies could be added without hurting the cutt and bow fishing, then why not? I did say IF, and the great thing about these species, is that IF it does negatively affect the fishery, STOP planting them.
Henry's would be a great fishery without the hybrids or cutts, but I sure wouldn't go there 2-3 times a year without them!
I wouldn't call educated, experienced fishermen discussing hand-on observations and knowledge to be "arm-chair bioligist". I was calling for a slot and removal of the 8 fish limit at Scofield years before it was done.
I will also be the first to admit that I am not a biologist for UWR and I don't know the ins and outs of adding species, budgets, survival rates, etc. That is why we discuss ideas and don't take matters int our own hands.
I also agree Strawberry is amazing right now. But what if it could be even better? I know; mind-blowing.
If Tigers and/or sterile brookies could be added without hurting the cutt and bow fishing, then why not? I did say IF, and the great thing about these species, is that IF it does negatively affect the fishery, STOP planting them.
Henry's would be a great fishery without the hybrids or cutts, but I sure wouldn't go there 2-3 times a year without them!