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plant tiger trout in the berry
[quote Jacksonman]

I also think DWR screwed up with Scofield, big time, and if that can't be admitted, then they aren't any different from the rest of our govt. But i do applaud their efforts to undo their mistakes.


How can you keep saying the "DWR screwed up with Scofield" when they didn't and don't make the rules?

Quoting from the 2012 Utah Fishing Guidebook, "The Utah Wildlife Board passes the rules and laws... there are seven board members... Appointed by the governor, board members are not Division employees. The Division's director serves as the board's executive secretary but does not have a vote on wildlife policies."

So if they don't make the laws, are you saying that they screwed up by following the laws that were passed by the Wildlife Board or something else?

Messages In This Thread
plant tiger trout in the berry - by duckdog1us - 05-01-2012, 06:57 PM
Re: [Jacksonman] plant tiger trout in the berry - by kentofnsl - 05-14-2012, 10:18 PM
Re: [PBH] plant tiger trout in the berry - by PBH - 05-09-2012, 03:31 AM

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