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(OT) Good luck to all you deer hunters!
I guess I'll add my weekend report. This was my first time hunting in over ten years. I was blessed with a wife and in-laws that hunt every year. To add to the great in-laws they also provide great hunting grounds. They live in coalville on the side of the hills there. They've been there for a long time and know everyone. They have permission to hunt all the private property up east of Coalville. We get up each morning out of our warm bed, have a nice hot breadfast and take off. We spotted plenty of does and fawns, 2 bucks and a very possible third (took off in front of us but didn't get a good look, the guys across the canyon started shooting our way, so we figured it was a buck). The terrain is loaded with cedar trees and oak brush, there are a lot of deer in there but terribly difficult to see, my deer is evidence of how hard they are to see. On the second day we were walking back on a dirt road after blazing the bush all day. My wife and her parents were ahead of me, I looked off the side of the road and saw my buck laying down under a large cedar not 30 feet away. My wife and her parents had totally missed seeing that deer, that's how well they hide. We sat and watched it for close to 5 min. If I hadn't of spotted it it never would have moved and just watched us walk by. As soon as he stood up (I can't shoot him while he's down) I shot him right through the heart. The best part is my father-in-law jumped right in and had it cleaned before I could tell him I'd do it. Not a bad weekend for this rookie.

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Re: [cat_man] (OT) Good luck to all you deer hunters! - by icthys - 10-20-2003, 04:56 PM

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