10-23-2003, 03:35 AM
We went hunting in south eastern utah and we first hit some private property. Some people had taken there 4 wheelers up to the top of the hill that we wanted to hunt. So we left and we pushed another area for about 3 house with no luck so we decided to go up on top of some mountains and everyone was about 100 yards from there car or ohv and they were about 300 yards away from each other. so we went to the very top of the mountain to see if we could hike in where someone had not been driving there 4 wheelers up and scaring the deer so we found a spot that didn't look like it had been pushed and people were not all over the place. so we pushed it and saw a 2 point but couldn't get a shot that was the only buck we saw all day. You know I get if you cant hike very far if you have some good reason but that is just dumb to sit there with people around you that aren't road hunting or just to lazy. Who knows there could have been the state record that was right under them bedding down. I hope people do that next there because then I can get a big buck because they aren't going to get anything.