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(OT) Good luck to all you deer hunters!
Well since I had already bagged my buck on the bow hunt. I tagged along with my dad on his hunt. We hunted the same area I bow hunted. On the bow hunt I was seeing 100 deer (30 bucks) per day, but opening day we only saw 6 deer. We were hunting up high so sunday morning we decided to go down low. At first light my dad shot a 26 inch four point. In the time we gutted him we had saw another 10 bucks. Well with the warm weather we headed to town. All the deer we saw on the way to town were down low. Since the weather has'nt moved them down we figure it must have been the muzzleloaders and elk hunters.


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Re: [cat_man] (OT) Good luck to all you deer hunters! - by Bigfishrule - 10-23-2003, 03:41 AM

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