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(OT) Good luck to all you deer hunters!
I took my little brother and his 15 year old son down to one of my favorite places down south. First morning the big ones outsmarted us, second morning the dummies on atv's scared them all away! Monday morning the nephew got his first buck, a nice fat corn fed 2 point. It was very exciting to see him shoot it, he was the happiest kid in town, probably still is.
He took 2 rolls of film and had one hour processing done. We all shook his hand and congradulated him on a good shot. He practiced all summer at the range and was ready, he hit it on the run. He will remember that first buck and the small town hospitality the rest of his life. Now he really has buck fever.
The drought has really taken a toll on the deer. The mountain lions and coyotes are down lower picking them off one by one, they were really on high alert!

These young kids are the future of our hunting traditions. Its a shame more kids aren't interested in the outdoors, its good clean fun. Take a kid hunting and fishing!

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Re: [Bigfishrule] (OT) Good luck to all you deer hunters! - by fisherman - 10-24-2003, 12:33 AM

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