10-24-2003, 05:21 AM
If you want to catch whitefish just head to the Weber River. Went fishing on Weds. and was catching a ratio of at least 8-10 whiteys to every 1 trout. The best nymph for whiteys I've seen is either a scud or a prince, right now they are also eating glo-bugs. However I was catching them on the surface, found a section where they were rising and tied on a size 20 Trico. Catching them on a dry made it somewhat fun because they have such a small mouth and it is tough to get the timing on the hook set right, which makes for good practice. The few browns I did catch were in deeper holes and I caught them on a red serendipity and also something I tie up I call a "Candy Cane".
Always fishing...Barbless.
Always fishing...Barbless.