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South Marina Session 7-6-12
A couple of years ago, I hit deer creek in a 14' fishing boat, I headed over to the far side along the tracks and started fishing. Minding my own business fishing along when some dink in daddy's expensive boat and loaded with teenagers come flying by me less than 30' away. I proceed to yell and scream a them and they think its pretty funny, they flip the boat around and come at me again, I had my 8 year old son with me, this time they came full bore within 20' and turn around again and come at me again, by this time I have waves 4-5' high throwing me all over and I am doing everything I can to stop from flipping the boat. One more time they come at me, I hear the kids in the boat just a laughing, As they come by me this time they turn the boat and a huge wake hits my boat, Water starts pouring in over the transom in the back and the boat starts to fill with water, its coming in so fast I can't stop it. They get scared and head out of there, I am yelling for help as my boat is filling fast. There is now about 2' of water in the bottom of the boat and coming in fast, Fortunately the boat has alot of foam in the floor and kept me afloat, My son was screaming and was scared to death. I was grateful when another fishermen witnessed what happened and came to help out, once the boat filled up with water it leveled out and stopped coming in. but we were soaked, my gear was floating out of the boat. The other boater hooked up a line and drug me to the boat ramp across the lake. My boat was in bad shape, water in the motor, soaked floor and seats, lost fishing gear. We found a ranger and the other guy helped me identify the boat. They took off to locate them but I never heard another word, don't know if they caught them, punished them or what, i waited a couple hours for him to come back but he never did so I went home to see if i could salvage the boat.

Thats why I want to carry a paint gun, or something to let them know I am sick of it.

Messages In This Thread
South Marina Session 7-6-12 - by TubeDude - 07-06-2012, 09:01 PM
Re: [TubeDude] South Marina Session 7-6-12 - by KC5 - 07-08-2012, 03:46 AM

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