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Cabo Bite Report

[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000] Aug 13 - 19, 2012[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Wefinally got some rain, after almost three years with just anoccasional sprinkle. A lot of folks thought that the weather was aresult of Hurricane Hector, but Hector passed well to the southwestof us and had no effect at all other than some swells. This rain wasa result of a large area of weather moving in over us from the east,coming in off the Mexican mainland, and slowly passing across ourarea. Here at the house we measured 8 ½ inches, out at Cabo RealGolf Course there was just under 10 inches of rain. What was nicefor us is that all this water did not come down in just one day, asoften happens during a hurricane, instead it started off slow andallowed the soil to absorb a lot of moisture, great for the plantsand helping to fill the aquafier. The rain started on Tuesday, justa ¼ inch every few hours, then came heavy on Wednesday morning,light showers after that, and then really dumping on Thursdaymorning. On Thursday morning I measured 3 inches at 10 AM, startingat midnight with most of the rain early. As a result there wasmassive amounts of flooding in the low areas and in areas up to 2feet of sand across roads or built up at intersection. You can go online and do a search, there are a lot of pictures posted out there. Our highs for the week after the storm were in the high 90's withhigh humidity as well, our lows were in the mid 80's. At the end ofthe week the skies cleared and the rain was over, but the roadscontinue to be cleaned up. We were all happy at the quick responseby the city in getting the main roads cleared so fast. Expect to seea lot of greenery in the next few weeks as the desert shows it'sappreciation by getting everything in bloom! It looks as if we mayget a bit more in the middle of the coming week as well as anothercloud layer is moving our way. [/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]Hectordid deliver the surf we expected and it happened to almost coincidewith our wet weather. Swells to 9 feet were experienced on Wednesdaybut it died off quickly. The Port Captain closed the port to smallvessels such as Pangas and water taxis for two days but the largerboats were still able to go out. Heavy rain and the swells did notmake for great fun, but the fishing was pretty good. One thing allthe rain did was dirty the water for up to 5 miles offshore as thearroyos filled with water and took massive amounts of sand and siltto the ocean. Farther out it was still blue, but we didn't reallyget any decent shots of water temperature until the end of the week. As of today, it appears that the water on both sides of the Cape arebetween 83 and 85 degrees with no real temperature break anywhere.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]Caballitoand Mullet were available at the normal $3 per bait and you could getthem if you were out early, many boats were unable to get bait andhad to settle for frozen horse ballyhoo at $3 each. [/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: Striped Marlin, Sailfish and Blue Marlin continue to excite anglerswhen they show up, and they have been doing that on a regular basis. The action has been spread out but most of the boats this week werefinding the fish on the Pacific side as the attempted to avoid theswells coming from the east. My guess is that 40% of the anglerslooking for a Marlin were able to hook up and quite a few that didn'tcare hooked up as well. The Striped Marlin were the most commonbillfish this week with Sailfish coming in a close second. The BlueMarlin were scattered out but there were enough of them caught to getyour anticipation up, and even a small Blue Marlin is a heck of afight. Live bait was the key to the Striped Marlin and Sailfish biteand once again lures accounted for most of the Blue Marlin. I stillhaven't heard of any Black Marlin in the past week, and with theinshore water dirty we probably won't for the nest week as well.[/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: It was nice to see the catch get better onYellowfin Tuna this week, and they were found all over the place,just no really big ones. One friend did well fishing outside the1150 and caught a few fish in the 70 pound class and a lot of smallerfish, but most of the anglers were happy to do well on fish averaging12-15 pounds. Find the Dolphin and birds and you found the fish. Closer to home there were small pods of Dolphin with no birds butthey still held plenty of football sized fish, we will have to seewhat happens this coming week as this is the time of year we normallystart to get the big ones come in.

[#000000]DORADO: Once again fish of the week, butthere were not as many as last week, probably due to the weather anddirty inshore water. Most boats were able to get several for theirclients and some of them were large fish over 30 pounds, but theaverage was 12 pounds and there were a lot of the little slippersized once as well. I expect it to be even easier to find them thiscoming week as the debris washed into the ocean by all our rainstarts to attract chains of food. Due south and along the Pacificside were the areas most of the boats worked as they were the moreprotected areas to fish, avoiding the swells and rain in the faceuntil the last couple of miles coming home.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: Roosterfish numbers were downonce again and I don't really expect them to go back up anytime soonwith the conditions of the inshore water. Most of the Pangas thatfished early in the week were able to do all right on Amberjack andRed Snapper with a few other species tossed in the mix but when therain started in earnest the inshore bite went away. At the end ofthe week the Pangas were venturing offshore for Tuna and Dorado dueto the dirty water inshore. Also, lest I forget to mention it, oneof our clients, Craig, fished from the shore at Migraino Beach in thesurf and caught and released a beautiful 50 pound Roosterfish, butthat was before the rain really kicked in and the water dirtied up. Way to go Craig! Oh, he caught a Striped Marlin as well when he wentoffshore, lucky guy![/#000000]
[#000000]FISH RECIPE: Check the blog for this weeksrecipe! I know I'm slacking on this. I have a pile right next tome.[/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: Time for the Sunday trip to the beachwith the dog. I don't think I am going in the water yet, I stillthink it's too dirty inshore but the pup doesn't seem to mind! Thisweeks report was written to the music of Dick Dale, that master ofthe Fender Stratocaster and early surf music legend. Until nextweek, tight lines![/#000000]

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Cabo Bite Report - by CaptGeo - 08-20-2012, 03:35 PM

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