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Where oh where have the fishy fish gone ??
Ah yeah, but what about refraction? And how cold was the water? You know what they say - you've probably been told [font "Arial"][#000000][size 1]this [/size][/#000000][/font]is 6 inches?

Hope you know I'm thoroughly kidding (so what's new!)

Congrats. Using the Carp Wt rod for a beast like that? You know what TD sez, if it breaks off - it's up to the angler to say, and cain'ts nobody argue with their assessment!

I would expect we're not far from turnover time, and that should really turn on the troutses.
Bit dismayed checking the stocking report, and one of my local ponds was hammered with dinky 5" planters, and hoards of 'em. What a nuisance! Gonna be hard to get past those - though I'm sure they'll entertain the youngins.

I don't know about the Berry - but up north - we were 6 degrees off of freezing last night. Maybe we'll see an early ice-up this year! (BRING IT!!!)

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Re: [flygoddess] Where oh where have the fishy fish gone ?? - by CoyoteSpinner - 09-12-2012, 12:32 PM

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