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The Berry BEST for Last (Sunday)
Wow that's actually the total opposite of us just like u said and no i'm not lieng. Deer creek is on the way and 40 mins closer than strawberry and we never would stop there because of the size. If u wanna know the truth I hate strawberry usually cause the action most summer days is very off and on but the size kept me going with my dad otherwise I wouldn't have gone.

Don't get me wrong, summer fishing was slow usually but when we caught one it was usually 20 inches. I also remember us being able to catch rainbows EVERYWHERE. Now it's hard to get anything but cut throats everywhere except near soldier creek. I'll have to ask my dad if he has any old photos of them.

And for the record we would catch cut throats too but honestly it seemed like the numbers were more even in cuts to bows. I remember one time back then that I hooked like a 12 or 13 inch rainbow though and there was a nice 24 inch or bigger cut throat trying to eat my rainbow. I actually stopped reeling it in and tried to let him catch it lol. My dad said he never saw anything like it haha

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Re: [TubeDude] The Berry BEST for Last (Sunday) - by FishingLunatic - 10-10-2012, 04:05 PM

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