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new sled in the makings
dispite the rains and 60 mph winds we had over the weekend, I did manage to put in an hour on my new sled, thought I would have gotten further but as I feared the nuts and bolts on my one handled wheel barol were rusted fast.

being plastic and they are carrage bolts, torch and bruit strenth was out, my only option left was to use a hacksaw to cut them off behind the nuts. Yep long process but concidering the cost of a new sled, it is well worth the effort.

my next step is to refurbish the plastic barol, using a stiff brush to wash it out them using some armorall to restore the luster and protect the plastic from further weather damage.

Messages In This Thread
new sled in the makings - by davetclown - 09-24-2012, 06:34 PM
Re: [davetclown] new sled in the makings - by davetclown - 10-16-2012, 04:09 PM

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