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new sled in the makings
I finaly got my barrol disasembled, and gloated over delusions of all the things I wanted to put on it, and decided that simpler would be the best way to go.

I had planed on placing a box on the back side so that I could turn it up right and use it as a wind sheild, I sat in it for a while on a pile of stacked pallets and dicided that the plastic radiated to much cold for my likings. and I thought about the added weight I would have to drag and lift and I scratched that plan in a hurry. Another reason I disided against adding the bottom platform is the total lenth, Yes it would fit in to the back of my truck, but should I get more than one other person to go fishing with me there would only be room for just one more sled in the back of my truck bed, the same if I were to go with some one else in thier truck. Mi main goal is to have a portrable sled to drag mainly my gear and auger to get on and off other lakes other than the one I live on.

I got around to cutting the skis down to size, and am now looking for half dozen flat head wood screws and half dozen button head screws to mount the skis to a peice of scrap 2x2x24 that I found in a scrap pile from a construction site. "2x4x24 cut in to two pieces".

I am still concidering adding a couple peices of pvc for rod holders, but we will see how that fits in to my fishing style as to weather or not that is going to happen.

Messages In This Thread
new sled in the makings - by davetclown - 09-24-2012, 06:34 PM
Re: [davetclown] new sled in the makings - by davetclown - 10-30-2012, 07:00 PM

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