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plant tiger trout in the berry
You're taking my post a bit too literal. Yes, there are some good size fish in Strawberry, I've managed to catch a few myself. However, I do think that you've got a much better chance at a bigger fish at Scofield, than you do at Strawberry, and in my opinion, one of the reasons is becuase the tigers are planted in Scofield, as opposed to cutts and rainbows at Strawberry (discounting the handful of tigers that have slipped in with the rainbow or cutt stockings). If there were more tigers in Strawberry, a lot of folks might have a shot at some consistantly bigger fish. Fred K.

Messages In This Thread
plant tiger trout in the berry - by duckdog1us - 05-01-2012, 06:57 PM
Re: [PBH] plant tiger trout in the berry - by PBH - 05-09-2012, 03:31 AM
Re: [flygoddess] plant tiger trout in the berry - by wiper_junkie - 11-23-2012, 02:54 AM

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