02-21-2013, 05:50 PM
We too lost a lot of our sportsman budget wardens parks and rangers because of Past governer Ingler's fat hands. Still leaves me bitter, and it is a story I dont want to get in to today...
Game warden did make it out a couple days ago, I happened to be the only one there at the time.
Unfortunatly if I dont have vidio it is just my word against his.
a couple months ago a boy turned in a guy bow hunting in a residential area, the police was able to stop the guys in their rented truck while in possesion of the deer. With evidence convictions is easy, With just testimony it is a bit harder to convict.
But I agree he will get caught one day if he dose not learn... but untill then he is getting the cold sholder by every one.. He is a likeable guy, we just want him to change his pratices to more of a sportsman...
Game warden did make it out a couple days ago, I happened to be the only one there at the time.
Unfortunatly if I dont have vidio it is just my word against his.
a couple months ago a boy turned in a guy bow hunting in a residential area, the police was able to stop the guys in their rented truck while in possesion of the deer. With evidence convictions is easy, With just testimony it is a bit harder to convict.
But I agree he will get caught one day if he dose not learn... but untill then he is getting the cold sholder by every one.. He is a likeable guy, we just want him to change his pratices to more of a sportsman...