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Do I just stink at fishing for Cats?
I know they're in there though cause We're getting hits. I've been walking in the water in the day and most of the spots I've walked in are actually only knee deep, if not waist deep at the highest. I'm guessing the holes I was fishing were probably 5-6 foot deep(Maybe deeper, not sure how deep exactly the Jordan's holes are but it's obvious these are the deepest spots in the area). The water is really clear and I actually could see like 4 feet deep down in most of these spots.

Last night I was with a friend and we fished from like 8:30 P.m. till like 1 A.M. lol. from 8:30-Midnight we were getting consistent hits and they were pretty good(much better than last week) but still not quite good enough to hook. Fish were jumping all over, some small but some sounded HUGE. I guess I'll have to wait a few weeks and just fish for some big suckers and carps and stock up on some cat fish bait. Some spots I've found, I can can see seriously 50+ Carp/maybe some suckers in a tiny area(It's really deep and sometimes they swim into the shallower area where I can see). It's really weird cause last year in this area I was actually able to avoid carp and only caught like 2 but almost exclusively caught Cats and suckers. But I'll be in for a fun day soon Smile. Pretty sure hardly any 1 fishes where I've been going.

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Re: [TubeDude] Do I just stink at fishing for Cats? - by FishingLunatic - 04-06-2013, 10:43 PM

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