11-25-2003, 07:48 PM
Last summer while fishing for stripers in Mass. we had a great day and caught a lot of schoolies so being out of bait we decided to leave reeling in we hooked into sothing solid but it have give so up comes a 5/8" rope. It was green with algie but decided to see what was on the other end. This took some time because we pulled up about 80' of rope. but then it stopped and was stuck hard. I decided to put some pressure on it so I started the engine and moved around it in a circle. This freed up the catch. It was an almost new boat anchor, it was just the right size to use with my boat. I took it home and soaked the rope in clorox and water which made it look new again. Also this summer My main anchor broke and so into service the found one went with out a break in the action. Chief