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Shore Report II
The last week or so, I took a couple hours out of the day to do some fishing. Went to Saddle cove early one morning and the point I had in mind to try was occupied by some kids, appeared they had been there for a while. They were spending more time fiddling with their tackle than they did fishing. So I decided to take the deeper cove to the north, wasn't long before I was into some catfish. About an hour and a half later the bag was 3, I had more stealers than keepers. Packed up and headed to the Sunset Scenic Overlook. Headed straight out to the end point, just so happens there was a good-sized island just off the shore. Appeared to be a prime path for migrating fish. Ended up getting numerous bites but no takers.
My next trip was a night fish at the same location. I got a late start, got out there at about 18:00 and had problems with my lantern. I figured I had enough light to see where I was going and then I could work on it there. Armed with my trusty mini mag light I managed to get both poles in the water. I didn't realize there was a difference between day light casting and night casting, I had a problem getting the bait too fly straight. It didn't take long to find out that the lantern was a lost cause. Between to darkness and working with a flashlight hanging out of my mouth, I decided too call it a night. I ended up with 1 catfish and I think many bites (too dark to tell sometimes) in about a hour and a half. Luckily, I did call it a night, because just as I got to the truck my trusty mini mag wasn't so trusty, almost dead (very dim).
I think I going to try the Sunset Overlook area some more, maybe different spots and different times.

Take care,

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Shore Report II - by Nu2Fishagain - 11-27-2003, 12:59 AM

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