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11-Mile has 6"
now thats enough to do a jig on.

here in michigan it is sunny and 50*... we had an inch of snow yesterday morn, that was gone by afternoon. we had 4 inches of ice 3 weeks ago, then it got all worm and mushy.....

I am looking forward to gettin in some bass fishing before the end of the year when the season ends here. Love bass when caught through the ice. dont much care for it the rest of the year. (eatin that is)

thanks for the reports guys. love hearing about the trout. You are welcome to post these reports on the ice fishing board as well if you would like. I saw preditor was hookin in to some cut yesterday up in utah on 8 inches of ice.

Messages In This Thread
11-Mile has 6" - by SLAYERFISH - 11-28-2003, 08:38 PM
Re: [SLAYERFISH] 11-Mile has 6" - by DonInDenver - 11-29-2003, 01:32 AM
Re: [SLAYERFISH] 11-Mile has 6" - by davetclown - 11-30-2003, 08:44 PM

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