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Deer Creek...a Paucity of Perch 10-7-13
[#0000FF]That southern shoreline of the island can be great for the rainbows when they are in and active. But, as we both experienced, it can also be a bit too quiet. There have been times I have been out in my tube and have watched the "bank tanglers" reeling in fish after fish. But I usually do much better in my tube...when I fish for the trout. Sometimes I do, but yesterday was a "perch search" day and I never did target any trout.

Welcome to the board. Glad you like my ride. As I often tell the boaters who admire it at the ramp: "It fishes good but I can't tow a skier."

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Re: [Shorebound] Deer Creek...a Paucity of Perch 10-7-13 - by TubeDude - 10-08-2013, 12:29 PM

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