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Fun Monday on Chilly Willard 10-21-13
[quote WaveWolf][#502800]I noticed in your last picture that all the nasty fins had been operated on with a sidecutter....... Is that called reciprocal retribution?[/#502800][/quote]

[#0000FF]I prefer to call it "preemptory puncture proofing".

I use a net to bring ALL cats aboard...on to my rigid apron (sushi board). When they have calmed down enough to attempt a grab I get them in the belly hold, with fingers straddling the two pectoral fins. Then I either unhook and release them or break off the fins before dropping them in my basket.

Most smaller cats have fins that are easily broken off with a pair of pliers. But big ones sometimes take a stout pair of side cutters. The cat you don't prep is the one that will poke a spine through the basket and into you or your tube. Also makes it more difficult for them to damage your basket and easier to handle later while filleting.

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Re: [WaveWolf] Fun Monday on Chilly Willard 10-21-13 - by TubeDude - 10-22-2013, 11:39 AM

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