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I got a Muzzleloader deer
The deer is actually laying in his stomach. I have to sit the head down and go start the camera. Then I get back to the buck and my knees are against his back and neck. SO I am as close as I can get after running up and then picking up the head. In this picture you can see I am as close as I can get. The difference is getting the camera as close as possible for the wide angle.

[Image: Deer09small_zpsbf3da576.jpg]

The best hint I can give to make a great picture is get the head up so there is sky behind the antlers. If the antlers are not sky-lined, then they tend to get lost in the background. Also if the antlers are above the person in the picture it gives more height to the buck.

[Image: Deer02small_zps2943e27f.jpg]

[Image: 2009buck08-A.jpg]

Compared to this.

[Image: Bigbuck2.jpg]

[Image: Bigbuck4.jpg]

Sometimes you got to take what you can get and that is where I use the wide angle shot with a close up and a very low tripod.

[Image: Mybuck55.jpg]

In my opinion getting a great shot means getting close and not worring about getting too much background. When you get too much back ground the focus is off the target. Get close and take lots of pictures as the light changes. SOmetimes I turn on the flash to sill shadows.

[Image: Jacobs2011doe1small.jpg]

I took dozens of pictures to get just a few to keep. Which do you like better?

[Image: 9-25-10Lsmall.jpg]

[Image: JohnsbuckA.jpg]

SO setting up a picture is not just about the right distance behind the animal. It is a lot more than that. Ron

[Image: Bull11.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
I got a Muzzleloader deer - by idahoron - 10-17-2013, 10:26 PM
Re: [wiperhunter2] I got a Muzzleloader deer - by idahoron - 10-24-2013, 10:55 PM

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