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Salubrious Starvation Saturday 10-26-13
[#0000FF]I'm a bit more mellow these days. Old age, caution, and basic cowardice (too many guns) will do that to ya. But I do admit to being a tad nastier about such rudeness and stupidity in the past. The offending boaters are usually much smaller than my 6' 3" size and two hundred and plenty pounds. And they can't tell my size while I am in my tube. On a couple of occasions they have invited me to get out on the bank with them and have a two-handed discussion. But when I do get out and start toward them they usually become more complacent. If not, I provide a left or right tranquilizer.

Here's the rudeness repellent kit I have ordered for my tube. Probably do a good job on carp too.

[inline "LAKE OWNERSHIP.jpg"]

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Re: [fishday] Salubrious Starvation Saturday 10-26-13 - by TubeDude - 10-27-2013, 06:34 PM

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