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Salubrious Starvation Saturday 10-26-13
[#0000FF]THANK YOU for the invite. As most folks know, I am usually not so quick to jump in a boat. you had me at "Starvation". Also was happy to be able to do some fishing with ya...after all of our previous communications and tackleology.

About that kill switch and battery thing. Another one of my favorite sayings is "All's well that ends." It was a spiritual experience when you said your silent prayer, turned the switch finally and we heard the heavenly sound of the big motor. Kinda made up for the other kind of words you were thinking when the jumper cables were about a foot too short on your new boat.

Oh yeah...the black beast boat. I actually took a couple of other pics (see below). The first was when you were incredulous about them motoring in between us and shore. That's a no no. The other shot below was after they had drifted by us on their wimpy anchor. I was too dumbstruck to even point the camera at them while they were about to swap paint with your boat on the drift. Unbelievable. Just pretended we weren't there...or trying to push us off the spot. Whatever.

As we reminded each other at least a dozen times, that was an epic day...both for fishing and fishing conditions. It's always better when a new fishing buddy can tie his own hooks, put his own bait on and hook his own fish...single handedly. (yeah, I got it). A lot better than having to make the trip totally about them and having to babysit them instead of enjoying the fishing. About the worst for either of us was opening the lid of the live well for the other guy. Some might say it was too often. Not me.

Glad you finally got the fish all processed. Wondered if you were still at it and handn't had a chance to see the post on the board yet.

All's well that ends.

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Re: [SBennett] Salubrious Starvation Saturday 10-26-13 - by TubeDude - 10-29-2013, 11:48 AM

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