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Salubrious Starvation Saturday 10-26-13
Luckily my battery is fairly new and it was a warmish type of day.
The beauty of a lead acid wet cell type battery is that if you catch your battery problem quick enough, you can kill all electrical loads to it and just let it sit awhile. As soon as i realized my mistake, I immediately shut off the fish finder (which we didn't really want to do but knew we had to do it) and killed the power to the live well. You must resist the temptation of trying to start it until absolutely the last minute. We waited about an hour and luckily she fired right up.
I am not a battery specialist and know just enough about them to get lucky every once in a while, but by letting the battery sit awhile the battery can equalize electrolytes between the lead plates and the acid bath enough to give each cell enough volts to start your motor. I think the key is having a new battery that has strong plates in it.
Unfortunately, if a regular starting battery gets drawn down just once, it can be robbed of half it's useful life.
Take care, Shane

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Re: [kentofnsl] Salubrious Starvation Saturday 10-26-13 - by SBennett - 10-29-2013, 02:18 PM

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