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Lowrance hds5 question
You can overlay the GPS data. Its in your settings menu, but you have to pay attention. Your HDS5 is set up to get two different speeds. One from a water sensor, and of course your GPS provides that data as well. The best thing to do is contact Lowrance customer service, and they'll walk you through it.

What you are describing is easily avoided by having a separate unit for sonar and navigation. I know hind sight is 20/20, but consider fixing the issue by installing a separate GPS unit. Lowrance makes a Elite 4M which is a color GPS ONLY. The only wires to run are the ones for power, and you can tie them right into the same power bank as your HDS5.

I only mention this because I have my boat set up with dedicated units, and always have. I've many boats where they have combo units, and i've found it to be cumbersome and too involved. I have a Lowrance Elite 7 installed for my sonar, and a elite 4M for navigation. Makes things simpler.

Messages In This Thread
Lowrance hds5 question - by Crate23 - 10-13-2013, 05:33 PM
Re: [Crate23] Lowrance hds5 question - by Tarpon4me - 11-01-2013, 07:25 PM
Re: [Crate23] Lowrance hds5 question - by Crate23 - 11-03-2013, 12:44 AM

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