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Humpy Hallowindy 11-1-13
[#0000FF]Thanks again for the invite Jon. The problem is that we made our plans more than one day before we hit the water. That gave Mama Nature time to stir up more weather for us. Last week Shane called the night before the trip...after I had just got back from Deer Creek. I was already hammered but agreed to go. With only a few hours planning Mama Nature couldn't arrange much wind for us.

I always enjoy Starvation...wind and all. Well, maybe the wind not so much. But it was still a good time with your CRESTLINER. See what you can do about the wind generator.

Sorry I omitted to mention that yes, you did catch the first fish. Since it was your boat I figured I should use a lure without a hook and any bait in order to give you a fighting chance. And it still took you three stops before you got bit.

But...who got the most and the biggest...and the last two?

Your pics are fine. Better than the ones some guys post that take a day and a half to load up...even on high end computers.

Messages In This Thread
Humpy Hallowindy 11-1-13 - by TubeDude - 11-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Re: [humpy] Humpy Hallowindy 11-1-13 - by TubeDude - 11-02-2013, 12:03 PM

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