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Humpy Hallowindy 11-1-13
[#0000FF]Glad you had a good shoot. Saw a blurb on the news about DWR releasing something like 12,000 pheasants for hunters this year. Thatsa nice but kinda like stocked rainbows to me. I reckymember the good ol' days of being able to walk along almost any rural ditchbank and to flush all the wild birds you needed. But, of course, that was back in the days when we hunted in animal skins and threw clubs at the birds.

Not sure if your Lund on the water would have calmed it down any. Probably good you didn't show up on Starvy that day. Pretty sloppy and hard to fish with finesse.

Messages In This Thread
Humpy Hallowindy 11-1-13 - by TubeDude - 11-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Re: [SBennett] Humpy Hallowindy 11-1-13 - by TubeDude - 11-05-2013, 02:20 PM

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