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Oh Deer
well, i think i see lot more goin on here than just her not like the killin of deer, and not likin huntin!! her granson was killed in a huntin accident! my god! in that same tree stand, those peoople were in!! how would you feel if it was yours!! my god. i,d hate to say how i,d feel. i have no idea and don,t want to. and pray i don,t, have to find out. have some compassion here.i think maybe she has to have somethin to blame, so the nearest thing is deer huntin now. i,d hate to say if it was my grandson how i,d feel too. thank god it isnt mine, or yours, but the pain, the guilt, of knowin her grandson was goin huntin, and she probably didn,t think this was gonna happenin to him. but the fact it did nad she allowed him to go huntin without expressin her feelins toward it makes her feel somehow responsible, because she is a grandmother. but before this she probably thought it was good fer him to go and didn,t mind him goin, didn,t think somethin like this would happen,before.or thought he was old enought to go alone in his treestand. but accidents happen, and that,s hard to take when somethin like this happens and you allow them to do what they love, till it hapens. all i can say is i believe so how i,d feel, i,m not her, but my god i can imagine how she feels now. i don,t blame her, they say don,t judge, or put down till ya walk a mile in someone elses moccasins don,t they?? i feel fer her. and just the fact that they were in the same tree stand that her grandson was killed in probably brought that all back fer her. they also didn,t have permission to hunt out of that stand. all that land and they couldn,t find another spot to hunt from?? what kind of people are they?? what a tragedy. my god, i pray fer her. i feel sorry fer her, and hope and pray i never have to deal with somethin like this. have some compassion. and thak god it,s not yours. but fer her to be cited on lettin a deer go or not, my god i don,t think much of those people or that cop fer doin it to her.she,s 77 years old fer god sake, i hope their proud of themselves. hope they like lookin in the mirror in the mornin! seems though they could have some compassion and understandin on how she feels,especially when there on their peoples land, and they know the situation. to cite her. that,s ROTTEN. sounds like the cop and those people to me ought to look over what,s most important in this old world just to think about thir wants and needs when someone is still goin thru somethin like this. and to still let people hunt their land? that takes balls to cite her fer that. they wouldn,t never be huntin on my land again. they allowed huntin even after their son was killed their and her grandson. what kind of people are they, not much to me. whether it,s six years or 50 to me it would seem i,d never be able to git over it either. i don,t blame her, she has that right anyways it,s the relatives land anyways. more power to her. that cop could of refused to cite her. if he had any decency. what,s this world comin to when ya got to do this to someone who,s hurtin? what that sayin kick em when their already down, well i don,t like people like that, they aint much in my book.and too bad i weren,t there, i,d a hepped ya gramma! whether i hunt or not. and i do. but i got some morals. where,s there,s?? how do ya like me now. haha

Messages In This Thread
Oh Deer - by releaseit - 12-08-2003, 11:29 PM
Re: [releaseit] Oh Deer - by cat_man - 12-09-2003, 05:16 PM
Re: [releaseit] Oh Deer - by lou - 12-09-2003, 08:08 PM
Re: [lou] Oh Deer - by cat_man - 12-09-2003, 08:44 PM
Re: [lou] Oh Deer - by releaseit - 12-09-2003, 09:36 PM
Re: [releaseit] Oh Deer - by cat_man - 12-09-2003, 11:49 PM
Re: [cat_man] Oh Deer - by releaseit - 12-10-2003, 12:07 AM
Re: [cat_man] Oh Deer - by lou - 12-10-2003, 04:48 PM
Re: [lou] Oh Deer - by cat_man - 12-10-2003, 08:32 PM
Re: [cat_man] Oh Deer - by patches - 01-03-2004, 07:41 PM
Re: [lou] Oh Deer - by BEARCLAW - 12-10-2003, 11:07 PM
Re: [BEARCLAW] Oh Deer - by shewicker - 12-11-2003, 01:00 AM
Re: [shewicker] Oh Deer - by releaseit - 12-11-2003, 09:27 PM
Re: [releaseit] Oh Deer - by patches - 01-03-2004, 11:15 PM
Re: [shewicker] Oh Deer - by patches - 01-03-2004, 08:22 PM
Re: [BEARCLAW] Oh Deer - by patches - 01-03-2004, 08:03 PM
Re: [releaseit] Oh Deer - by patches - 01-03-2004, 08:41 PM

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