02-22-2002, 03:11 AM
I tried to put this in my own words, and then decided to leave well enough alone so here is…<br><B>How Project Fish Got Started</B><br>"We need to create awareness, provide hands-on exposure, and offer continued contact to fishing activities for Michigan children”<br>—Governor John Engler <br>Keeping in mind the diversity of Michigan's population, <B>PROJECT FISH</B> was developed to initiate and provide aquatic education and fishing skills to interested adults and youth. Protecting this vital natural heritage ensures the future of fishing, including natural resource and environmental awareness, responsible behavior, fisheries stewardship, and positive developmental activities for families and the community. <br><B>Michigan's PROJECT FISH</B> program works through a statewide committee with representatives from: <B>Michigan 4-H Youth</B><br>Programs • Michigan State University Department of Fisheries & Wildlife • Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division and Office of Information and Education • Michigan United Conservation Clubs • Great Lakes tribal communities • Recreation departments, service organizations, sport fishing industries/retailers, volunteers and many others. <br>"It's programming like this that is a success. Project FISH involves community support, and communities are the foundation to successful education." —Dr. Ron Bacon, Okemos<br>PROJECT FISH will work with a variety of successful natural resource and environmental curricula. Teachers will come away from workshops with information tied to MEAP and Michigan Model Content Standards in an exciting and hands-on style. This style will be complimented by the simple fact that, "this stuff is fun, it's a lifelong activity and it will meet local curriculum needs"…<br>Quoted from <B>“How Project Fish Got Started”.</B><br><br>This program supports youth and family fishing projects all over the state of Michigan.<br><br>I became involved with this project with The Oakland 4-H Extension over ten years ago bringing a group of children that I was mentoring. That is also how I had become involved with the 4-H program.<br><br>For my page provided by <B>Bigfishtackle</B> <br><br><A HREF="http:// myweb.ecomplanet.com/MESS6438" target="_new">http:// myweb.ecomplanet.com/MESS6438</A><br><br>for <B>Project Fish</B><br><br><A HREF="http://www.projectfish.org/main_about.html" target="_new">http://www.projectfish.org/main_about.html</A><br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown