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Anyone checked out Causey?
[quote rgreenland]That was me!
I posted this asking about Causey and then ended up going up there on Saturday Morning.
I met another fella up there who was fishing alone so we fished by each other. He pulled up around 15 or so Kokes and we moved around a little bit.
I moved to where you saw and talked to me and after there about 15 minutes my sonar LIT UP..I have never seen it have so much activity on the screen...ever. It was amazing.
There must have been a school come camp out under me for about 45 min because it was insane.
I had multiple double hook-ups and it was even to the point I was dropping the jig down and catching them on bare hook - no bait.
I never landed anything over 10-12 inches....but they all seem to fight very well.
I was in 25 ft of water and the school would come through between 8-15 ft.
I only landed one other fish.....a 12 in Cutt.
Fun day, fish on the finder like I have never seen before......but I wasn't a fan of all the slush and mess on top of the ice and I wish I could have seen a few larger fish.[/quote]

were planing on heading up the day after christmas, do you mind sharing where about you was catching the koke? along with what you were having success using?
im more of a gorge boat angler so im still a rookie when it comes to hard decking

Messages In This Thread
Anyone checked out Causey? - by rgreenland - 12-21-2013, 01:33 AM
Re: [rgreenland] Anyone checked out Causey? - by TRUBBS - 12-24-2013, 04:01 PM

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