12-11-2003, 04:40 AM
I don't have a filter for my camera I just have a good graphis program where I can change the images. Adobe Photoshop. I usally take all my photoa and do an auto gamma and contrast before I post them That seems to get the pictures to the right setting. I did alter some of the phots but most are the actual photo unchanged. I was at Catfish paradise when I turned around and say SM line falling off his reel. It was real funny to watch him. Well we all have those days. Just ask him when I went to Lake Mead and my son stepped on one of my best rods and broke it. No that would have been a look that would have killed. As far as the food goes well I try my best. I have been cooking in dutch ovens for years. I am planning some big trips next year to utah were I can stay longer. I still want to do some ice fishing but won't be able to till next year.
Thanks for your comments and wish you luck on you ice fishing adventures.
Thanks for your comments and wish you luck on you ice fishing adventures.