12-31-2013, 01:37 AM
[#000080]15 points have been added to your total.[/#000080]
[#000080](The bluegill appears to be 7.5 inches)[/#000080]
[#000080]18 points have been added to your total.[/#000080]
[#000080]17 points have been added to your total.[/#000080]
[#000080](The yellow perch appears to be 8.5 inches)[/#000080]
[#000080]You have 117 points total.[/#000080]
[#000080](The bluegill appears to be 7.5 inches)[/#000080]
[#000080]18 points have been added to your total.[/#000080]
[#000080]17 points have been added to your total.[/#000080]
[#000080](The yellow perch appears to be 8.5 inches)[/#000080]
[#000080]You have 117 points total.[/#000080]