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Abyss Swiss Cheese 1-17-14
"Glad you guys had a great in great weather, despite the lack of whisker participation."

[#0000FF]We had a couple of trips about 4 years ago when we caught quite a few cookie cutter cats...up to about 18 inches. Haven't ever gotten any larger ones there but have seen a few under-footers the past two years. I'm sure that there are places within that football field sized bowl that appeals more to them...and that can change from year to year. You gotta just find the right spot and serve them what they want. Not always easy to make it through the throngs of white bass either. The only times we have caught cats was when we got outside the whitie zone.

I appreciate the sentiments of not wanting to "violate" a "top secret" spot. But it can tolerate a lot more attention. I regret that it has gotten so well known and popular but it ain't the end of the world. If I thought it would suffer from too much fishing pressure I would not have ever posted a report on it.

I do not report on all my trips to all my spots. There are some that are too small or too fragile to be posted on a public forum. For the most part, my reports are only about waters, locations or species that are already well known and can withstand more fishing pressure. Still...I get accused of being a hotspotter. Usually by Orvis Dork types. Doesn't bother me at all.

Messages In This Thread
Abyss Swiss Cheese 1-17-14 - by TubeDude - 01-17-2014, 11:24 PM
Re: [Duckbutter] Abyss Swiss Cheese 1-17-14 - by TubeDude - 01-18-2014, 05:20 PM

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