12-13-2003, 07:21 AM
I might be wrong, they sure do look like Tilapia to me. What ever they are called, I want one. Remember, Tilapia in Sanscript (arabic but a dialectic) might mean the same thing as Trout to us. I don't speak Arabic. When the guide says Tilapia, and makes the throwing motion, even Gods are hard pressed to argue. If those things (whatever they are) are here, I'm going to get a few. They look like a hoot.
I might be wrong, they sure do look like Tilapia to me. What ever they are called, I want one. Remember, Tilapia in Sanscript (arabic but a dialectic) might mean the same thing as Trout to us. I don't speak Arabic. When the guide says Tilapia, and makes the throwing motion, even Gods are hard pressed to argue. If those things (whatever they are) are here, I'm going to get a few. They look like a hoot.