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Sacramento Perch pictures
Nile Perch get very big, and are found in Africa. Sacremento Perch are native to california and are the only native sunfish west of the Rocky Mountians, and are not that common, a couple of res. in southern Utah have them check the DWR site to find out with ones. They are in the Sunfish family but are less evolved then bluegill or crappie or any other sunfish species, so they tend to be less aggressive in feeding and nest building/gaurding. They easily get misplaced in waters that have bluegill.

Check out this Sites [url ""][/url]

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Messages In This Thread
Sacramento Perch pictures - by fishnutts - 12-13-2003, 01:28 AM
Re: [cat_man] Sacramento Perch pictures - by FrozenFish - 12-15-2003, 05:59 AM

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